
    Pretreatment process of quick-freezing broccoli

    • 摘要: 用响应面方法研究青花菜的不同烫漂温度和时间对青花菜品质的影响。试验中比较了在不同浓度CaCl2处理后,速冻青花菜叶绿素含量和解冻后质构的变化,对现有的预处理生产工艺进行优化。中心组合优化后得出的速冻青花菜最佳预处理工艺为:烫漂温度96℃、烫漂时间2 min、CaCl2浓度0.8%。优化前后数值比较:青花菜蕾质构强度提高26.9%;茎质构强度提高16.8%;叶绿素含量提高26.5%;过氧化物酶酶活降低到生产需要;维生素C、蛋白质和水分没有显著的变化。


      Abstract: The effects of different blanching temperatures and blanching time on broccoli quality were investegated with response surface methodology. The changes of chlorophyll and texture of broccoli after freezing were studied when treated with CaCl2 solution of different concentrations, and the optimization of pretreatment process was also researched. Experimental results showed that the optimized pretreatment process was as follows: blanching time 2 min, blanching temperature 96℃ and CaCl20.8%(m/v). Compared with the non-optimized process, it was found that the intensity of the texture of the bud increased by 26.9%, caudex increased by 16.8%; chlorophyll content increased by 26.5%; peroxidase activity decreased to the level required by the process; vitamin C, protein content and water activity all had no significant changes when the quick-freezing broccoli was treated under the optimized pretreatment condition.


