
    Soil erosion developed with the vertical belts in the gentle hilly black soil regions in Northeast China

    • 摘要: 东北黑土漫岗区由于其独特的自然地理与人文环境特征表现出独特的侵蚀产沙特性。通过对典型黑土漫岗区土壤侵蚀宏观遥感调查、微地貌采样调查及对该区域的实地考察,总结出该区土壤侵蚀随宏观地貌及微地貌垂直分带变化的一般特点。从黑土漫岗区土壤面蚀与沟蚀发展的一般过程出发,提出了该区土壤面蚀、沟蚀发展的一般模式。研究结果将有助于对黑土侵蚀过程的认识,进而为该区侵蚀泥沙来源与沉积位置的确定、坡沟治理的方针以及水保措施配置等重大理论与治理决策问题提供理论基础。


      Abstract: There are unique soil erosion and sediment yield characteristics in the gentle hilly black soil regions of the Northeast China for its unique physiogeographic condition and humanistic community. According to the soil erosion investigation, which was conducted by using remote sensing, the field sampling and the practical investigations, the universal laws of soil erosion developed with the macroscopic and microscopic vertical belts have been summarized for the Gentle Hilly Black Soil Regions of China. The basic models of sheet erosion and gully erosion taking place on slope have been generalized for this region. This research results are helpful to improve the understanding of the soil erosion process, and the sediment source and deposition place can be defined too. Accordingly, the research results, furthermore, provide the theoretical basis for the appropriate collocation of soil and water conservation measures.


