
    Discussion of the development strategy of water saving agriculture in China

    • 摘要: 在分析中国节水农业发展所面临的问题与挑战,以及国际节水农业发展趋势与国内技术需求的基础上,提出了中国现阶段节水农业科技发展的5大战略,即综合节水战略、技术创新与集成战略、产业支撑战略、虚拟水开发战略,以及科技创新平台建设战略。同时,进一步提出近期中国节水农业研究的重点应该主要集中在生物节水技术、非传统水资源开发技术、旱作节水技术、节水灌溉技术与装备,以及节水农业区域发展模式等5个方面。


      Abstract: Based on the challenge and problem faced in the development of water saving agriculture, and the world development tendency and the civil technology demand, the authors put forward five strategies for developing water saving agriculture including the comprehensive water saving strategy, technological innovation and integration strategy, industry supporting strategy, visional water development strategy, and the basic establishment construction strategy. At the same time, the authors suggest that the water saving agriculture research should emphasize the biological water saving technology, unusual water resources development technology, dryland water saving agriculture, water saving irrigation technology and product, and the regional development mode of water saving.


