
    Recognition of tomato nutrient deficiency using aritificial neural network based on computer vision

    • 摘要: 提出了采用不受植株叶片大小和背景影响的色调域平均百分率直方图来提取番茄叶片的颜色特征,用于识别番茄是否缺乏营养元素;提出了采用基于最大差分算子的色调域百分率直方图法、灰度-梯度共生矩阵法和小波分析法提取番茄缺素叶片的纹理特征,用于识别番茄缺何种营养元素;设计了番茄缺N、缺Fe、缺Mg的BP神经网络系统,综合识别结果为:正常中叶、正常新叶、缺铁新叶,缺氮中叶、缺镁中叶的识别准确率依次为95%、92.5%、92.5%、87%、87%。


      Abstract: The main objective of this project is to develop a recognition system for tomato nutrient deficiency based on artificial neural network to assist fertilization management during the growth of tomato. Digital images of tomato leaves, which were in deficiency of nitrogen, magnesium or Fe nutrition element, were collected from May to October in 2003 using the CCD camera. New color feature extraction methods based on average percentage Hue histogram were developed to distinguish ill leaves from normal leaves. The textural features of individual ill tomato leaves were extracted from different methods. Of the five textural features used in the discriminant analysis, two were computed from grads image, one (Inertia) was extracted from grads-gray co-occurrence, and the remaining two(Entropy, Variance) were computed from the wavelet decomposition. Using the above color and textural features as input vectors of the recognition system, the classification accuracies of the testing data set were 95%,92.5%, 92.5%, 87%, and 87%, respectively, for normal old leaf, normal new leaf, deficiency of Fe, deficiency of nitrogen, and deficiency of magnesium.


