
    Determination of the design working head of emitter

    • 摘要: 滴头设计水头是滴灌系统中的重要技术参数,为解决其取值缺乏理论指导的问题,研究了滴头设计水头的取值实质、提出了评判灌区田面状况对系统灌水质量影响的指标——高差流量偏差率及其算式;用此指标对不同田面状况下现行滴灌系统进行评判,结果表明:滴头设计水头采用习惯取值,常使滴灌系统对地形的适应能力过高,造成投资和运行费用的浪费,是滴灌系统一项可以挖掘的潜力;进而按滴灌系统适应地形的能力与灌区田面状况相匹配的原则,导出了滴头设计水头的计算式。


      Abstract: The design working head of emitter is an important technical parameter for drip irrigation system. So far, no theory could explain how to decide the value of the parameter. This paper studied the principle of design working head of emitter and proposed the evaluation factor for evaluating how surface status of irrigation area affects irrigation quality——that is flow deviation created by difference in elevation. The results indicated that adopting traditional value of the design working head of emitter to design drip irrigation system often makes system over-adopt the land configuration and waste a large amount of investment and running cost. There is still a lot of potential to further optimize drip irrigation design through improving the valuing of the design working head of emitter. Further more, the equation of the design working head of emitter was deduced based on the principle that the ability of system to adapt to land configuration matches to the surface status of irrigation area.


