
    Summer environment and behavior of Chinese little fat-tailed sheep on intensive sheep farm

    • 摘要: 如何建立与完善舍饲养羊工艺模式,以满足羊只生物学特点和行为学特性的要求,正受到越来越多的关注。该文在对规模化舍饲养羊场的羊舍环境进行测试分析的基础上,对小尾寒羊的行为表现进行了连续2周的观察。结果表明,舍饲环境下小尾寒羊的行为谱主要由采食、反刍、休息和运动4个行为变量构成,处于不同生育阶段的小尾寒羊之间行为存在着一定的差异。躺卧是小尾寒羊的一种基本行为,环境温度对羊只的躺卧区域选择及躺卧姿势有很大影响。在集约化舍饲环境下,虽然可以为羊只提供较为理想的羊舍小气候环境,但因饲养环境单调,空间狭小,羊只的某些固有行为得不到正常表达。


      Abstract: More attention is being paid to promote sheep housing system that is adapted to their biological and behavioral characteristics. The experiment was conducted to study the environment of sheep house and observe the behavior of the Chinese little fat-tailed sheep for two weeks. The results show that behavioral patterns of Chinese little fat-tailed sheep were made up of intake, rumination, rest and locomotion, there were behavioral differences among Chinese little fat-tailed sheep at their different breeding phase under housing environment. The environmental temperature had great influence for the sheep on their choices of lying areas and lying postures. The sheep houses could provide a good microclimate condition for sheep, but the natural behaviors of sheep could not be fulfilled due to the barren rearing environment and limited space in the occupied zones.


