
    Analysis of the guarantee degree of irrigation water resources and its spatial difference in Northeast China

    • 摘要: 区域农业灌溉水资源保障程度研究,对于促进农业水资源高效合理利用与提高农业生产能力有着重要意义。该文从供需两方面入手,把握影响灌溉可用水资源量与灌溉水资源需求量的主要因素,构建了农业灌溉水资源保障度分析模型。模型在中国东北农业灌溉水资源保障的实证研究中得到较好运用,计算结果显示,东北农业灌溉水资源保障度为95%,基本上能满足灌溉用水需求,但已迫近水资源供给紧张的边缘。同时,将地图分析与模型模拟结果相结合,揭示出东北农业灌溉水资源保障度呈显著的空间差异。


      Abstract: It is significant for rational and high effective utilization of agricultural water resources and the upgrade of agricultural production capacity. Based on the key factors that influence demand and supply of regional irrigation water resources, the model that is used to calculate the guarantee degree of regional irrigation water resources was developed. And then this model was applied to the area of Northeast China. The result showed that the state of demand and supply of regional irrigation water resources in Northeast China was in equilibrium on the whole and its value of P equaled to 95%. But the supply of irrigation water resources in Northeast China has been on the verge of deficiency. At the same time, a distinct spatial difference of the guarantee degrees of irrigation water resources in Northeast China was found by means of model and map analysis.


