
    Soil erosion estimation of the upriver areas of Miyun Reservoir located on the Chaobai River using remote sensing and GIS

    • 摘要: 密云水库是当前北京唯一的一个地表饮用水源。其上游地区的水土流失一方面将造成土地退化和农业生态环境恶化,另一方面将导致大量泥沙淤积水库,会使水质受到污染,缩短水库使用期限,所以其上游的水土保持生态环境对于水源涵养和水库水环境具有重要意义。该文利用遥感数据,获取水土流失的植被和土地利用信息,收集降雨资料和土壤数据,在通用土壤流失方程的框架基础上建立区域土壤侵蚀模型,对密云水库上游2001年和2002年土壤侵蚀量进行定量估算,认为利用遥感和降雨数据,实现密云水库上游土壤侵蚀量的年度估算是可行的。


      Abstract: Miyun Reservoir on the Chaobaihe River is one of the main water suppliers for Beijing. Water and soil losses are the main reasons responsible for the reservoir sedimentation. The annual soil loss was estimated with a modified version of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). All the data necessary for model factors estimation were collected between 2001 and 2002 to form an analysis database. The factors in the model were computed and mapped using GIS and remote sensing. Based on the database, pixel-based computations were performed. This article analyzes the contribution of sediment yields on sub-units of the Chaobaihe river to Miyun Reservoir.


