
    Method for comprehensive benefit evaluation of land consolidation

    • 摘要: 土地整理综合效益评价包括经济效益、社会效益和生态效益三方面,根据多次专家咨询和问卷调查结果,逐次求取影响土地整理综合效益评价的指标,用层次分析法(AHP)确定各评价指标权重,量化各评价指标,求出综合效益评价值,并以江苏省溧阳市新昌镇土地整理综合效益评价为例。新昌镇土地整理综合效益评价结果表明:该镇土地整理综合效益评价效果较好,但社会效益和部分生态效益指标增加不明显,在土地整理实践中应重视促进土地整理的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益协调发展。


      Abstract: Land consolidation comprehensive benefit evaluation consists of economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits. An example of land consolidation comprehensive benefit evaluation at Xinchang Town in Jiansu Province was given. According to the results of expert consultation and questionnaire, land consolidation comprehensive benefit evaluation indexes were set up, index evaluation system was established to quantify the evaluation index. Then the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to obtain the weight of evaluating index so as to calculate comprehensive benefits. The result shows that the land consolidation comprehensive benefits were improved as compared with those before land consolidation. And the effect is better. The problem from comparing the index before and after land consolidation was found in order to improve the land consolidation development of economic, social and ecological benefits harmoniously.


