
    Automatic reversing motion of a tractor-trailer vehicle

    • 摘要: 该研究中,应用最优控制理论设计了带单轴拖车拖拉机自动倒车行驶的控制方法。首先利用二次变分法设计了车辆自动行驶的轨道;其次,对车辆运动学方程进行了线性化处理;最后应用最优控制理论,设计了车辆沿行驶轨道自动行驶的一种时变线性二次型控制器,利用设计的行驶轨道和控制器进行了实车试验。试验表明,该控制方法能够实现带单轴拖车拖拉机自动倒车行驶控制。


      Abstract: In this paper, automatic control method is described for reversing motion of a tractor-trailer vehicle type mobile robot using optimal control theory. First, reference paths of tractor-trailer vehicle using feed-forward control were generated. Second, the kinematic model about a reference path was linearized. Third, a time-varying linear quadratic regulator (LQR) to path-tracking along the reference path was designed. The experiment was carried out on the asphalt parking area using desired reference paths and path-tracking controller. The experimental results demonstrate that the control method can be successfully used for autonomous tractor-trailer vehicle.


