
    Vibration generated by the abrasion of the hammer slice in feed-grinder based on virtual prototype technology

    • 摘要: 锤片磨损会破坏锤片式粉碎机转子的平衡,加剧转子振动。该文的研究目的是基于虚拟样机技术探讨锤片磨损对转子振动的影响规律。采用MDT和vN4D建立了SFSP112×30型锤片式粉碎机转子的虚拟样机模型,对不同锤片磨损情况下粉碎机转子的振动进行了仿真。结果表明:锤片磨损后,转子振动频率组成变化不大,而振动幅值和强度变化较大,其中低频段振动强度增强,高频段振动强度降低;导致转子质心径向偏移的锤片磨损使转子振动幅值和强度均变大,而导致质心轴向偏移的磨损对转子振动影响不大;同样由于转子质心的径向偏移,转子受迫振动频率强度增加较多。因此,为了降低转子运转时的振动,最好避免转子质心发生径向偏移。


      Abstract: The abrasion of the hammer slice can cause the rotor of the feed-grinder to lose balance and then make the grinder vibrate. A virtual prototype (VP) based on the rotor of SFSP112×30 feed-grinder was set up by using MDT and vN4D for investigating the relationship between the abrasion of the hammer slice and the vibration of the rotor. By simulating the VP with various abrasion forms, it has been found that the abrasion form does not influence the makeup of the vibration frequency but the intensity. That is, the intensity of the low-frequency stage strengthens but that of the high-frequency stage weakens when the hammer slices are worn out. The vibration amplitude and intensity both increase when the abrasion makes the centroid of the rotor offset radially. However, they do not change much when the centroid offsets axially. The intensity of the forced vibration frequency also greatly rises when the center of mass offsets radially. Therefore, to damp the vibration of the feed-grinder the centroid of the rotor had better not offset radially.


