
    Design and realization of solution to precision feeding of dairy cattle based on single body status

    • 摘要: 在“奶牛精细养殖技术平台”上,通过应用RFID、PDA、无线局域网等技术,进行奶牛个体体况信息采集,将采集的数据与系统预先设置的主要养分预测模型、泌乳奶牛泌乳曲线模型等结合,按个体计算出符合筛选条件的奶牛的日营养需要量,然后对相同生产或生理阶段的奶牛,采用相同的精补料类型,以及相同的粗饲料原料,由系统按线性规划原理批量优化依个体体况不同而异的日粮配方。计算结果表明,主要从几种原料的不同用量上,体现日粮的个体差异性,从而实现基于奶牛个体的精细饲养。此外,研究还指出,制约个体日粮的科学性主要取决于采集的奶牛个体信息是否完整,所采用的养分预测模型是否科学,所采用的饲料成分和营养价值数据是否反映饲料的真值等。


      Abstract: In the study some modern technologies of information collection, such as RFID, PDA and wireless network were used to collect some important information about the body status of individual dairy cattle on the constructed precision breeding network system for dairy cattle. After that, combining all kinds of data collected with those pre-setting models that forecast nutrient requirements and milk production of dairy cattle, the system is able to calculate nutrient requirements per day on single diary cattle. Those dairy cattle with the same production or physiological phase, filtrated by computer program, were selected to be fed with the same concentrate supplement and forage feeds, adopting different ration formulas optimised by linear programme module in terms of their ration standards calculated before. The results show that the differences among six ration formulas existed by a few of materials as alfalfa hay and the concentrate supplement in different usages, and precision feeding based on single dairy cattle status was realized. Furthermore, it points out that key factors to impact precision feeding are whether collecting information is real time and exact, whether the adopted forecast models are scientific and whether the used feed ingredient data reflect their real nutritional values, etc.


