
    Characteristics of research notes published in scientific scholarly journals and their writing norms

    • 摘要: 针对目前科技学术期刊研究简报使用的现状和存在的问题,提出应当正确认识和评价研究简报这种文体类型及其所报道的科研成果。综合分析了研究简报的文体特点、作用和编排要求,总结了研究简报的特点和写作规范,提倡学术期刊应充分利用研究简报这种文体为快速及时的报道新成果服务。


      Abstract: Aiming at the status quo and existing problems of research notes applied in scientific scholarly journals, it is presented that correct understanding and scientific evaluation of research notes as a style type and scientific results published through research notes should be stressed. After comprehensive analyses of style characteristics, roles and formatting rules of research notes, the characteristics and writing norms of research notes used in scientific scholarly journals were concluded. Research notes were recommended to be fully used for rapid and timely publication of new research achievements in scientific scholarly journals.


