
    Effects of corn straw mulching on soil temperature and soil evaporation of winter wheat field

    • 摘要: 研究了秸秆覆盖下的麦田土壤温度和土壤蒸发的动态变化规律。试验结果表明,玉米秸秆覆盖冬小麦田后,日最高地温比对照低,日最低地温比对照高,日振幅减小,温度变化较对照平缓;冬季具有提高土壤温度的作用,春季则有降低地温的作用。少覆盖处理冬季0~10 cm地温3年平均提高0.3℃/d,春季降低0.42℃/d;多覆盖处理冬季0~10 cm地温3年平均提高0.58℃/d,春季降低0.65℃/d;秸秆覆盖后有效地抑制了土壤蒸发,冬小麦生育期内,少覆盖处理比对照平均减少了21%,多覆盖减少了40.4%。覆盖处理春季的低温效应,推迟生育期3~7 d,加上后期的干热风,造成覆盖处理的冬小麦非正常成熟,影响了冬小麦的产量,少覆盖平均减产4.1%,多覆盖平均减产10.4%。


      Abstract: Three years field experiments show that corn straw mulch had great effect on soil temperature, soil water and crop yield. It can decrease the maximum soil temperature, increase the minimum soil temperature and decrease the swing of soil temperature at daytime and night. The soil temperature of mulching treatment is higher than CK in winter, but in spring it can decrease the soil temperature, this effect of low-temperature in spring postpones wheat growth periods. The 0~10 cm deep soil temperatures of less mulching(LM) and more mulching(MM) are 0.3℃/d and 0.58℃/d higher than CK in winter and 0.42℃/d and 0.65℃/d lower than CK in spring. Straw mulching can restrain soil evaporation effectively. The soil evaporation of LM and MM treatment decreased by 21% and 40.4% compared with CK. The wheat yields of LM and MM decreased by 4.1% and 10.4% compared with CK due to the low-temperature of straw mulching.


