
    Development of transportation device for living marine fish

    • 摘要: 海水活鱼运输装置是针对海水鱼长时间运输途中水温、溶氧和水质等三个主要影响其存活率的因素而设计的,可安装于货运汽车上。该装置具有制冷保温、增氧、杀菌、水质循环净化、供电等功能,历时7个月对不同海水经济鱼种,经过了33车次(活鱼总载量48 t)的运输试验。结果表明,在鱼水比(质量比)1∶6,运输时间62 h的状态下,存活率达95%以上。采用该装置运载珍稀名贵海水鱼,可以获得较高的经济效益。


      Abstract: The living marine fish transportation device designed to tackle survival rate of fish in long time/distance transportation affected by three major facors, including water temperature,D.O.and water quality.The device can be installed to cargo trucks. It has such functions as cooling system,oxygen increasing,bacteria killing,seawater circulating and purifying and electric power supply. It took seven months to test the device by transporting various marine fish totaling 48 tons 33 times. The results indicated that under the ratio of fish to water as 1∶6 and the transporting duration of 62 h, the survival rates of marine fish averaged over 95%. Its use, in transporting rare and valuable marine fish can result in better economic benefits.


