董孝斌, 高旺盛, 严茂超. 基于能值理论的农牧交错带两个典型县域生态经济系统的耦合效应分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(11): 1-6.
    引用本文: 董孝斌, 高旺盛, 严茂超. 基于能值理论的农牧交错带两个典型县域生态经济系统的耦合效应分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(11): 1-6.
    Dong Xiaobin, Gao Wangsheng, Yan Maochao. Emergy evaluation of the coupling effects of ecological economic systems of two selected counties in the eco-tone between agriculture and pasture in the North China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(11): 1-6.
    Citation: Dong Xiaobin, Gao Wangsheng, Yan Maochao. Emergy evaluation of the coupling effects of ecological economic systems of two selected counties in the eco-tone between agriculture and pasture in the North China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(11): 1-6.


    Emergy evaluation of the coupling effects of ecological economic systems of two selected counties in the eco-tone between agriculture and pasture in the North China

    • 摘要: 农牧交错带生态经济系统耦合效应与区域经济的可持续发展紧密相关,该文运用能值理论与方法,首次提出了农牧系统耦合度的概念,并对农牧交错带两个典型县域的农牧系统耦合现状进行了分析。结果表明农牧耦合效果不好,主要表现为两种典型结构模式,一种以安塞县为代表,农牧能值总体利用率较高,但畜牧业内部结构偏重食粮动物使得高质能转化率低下;另一种以武川县为代表,农牧业结构总体上朝趋于协调方向发展,但畜牧业规模过大,由于草畜平衡严重失调,导致农牧系统耦合机制难以稳定。该文根据能值指标分析结果,还提出了提高农牧系统耦合的一些措施及关于产业结构调整的探讨。


      Abstract: Evaluation of the effects of system coupling has become a hot issue in the field of life and earth science although it roots in the physics science. Many researches focus on establishing system coupling models and procedures to evaluate the results of system coupling, however, due to lacks of methods to evaluate the results of system coupling quantitatively, few researches have involved in the coupling effects of the ecological economics system of fragile environmental area in China. In the light of Dr. Odum's emergy theories, the coupling effects of ecological economic systems of two selected counties in the eco-tone between agriculture and pasture in the North China were studied. This paper defined primarily the concept of system coupling degree between agriculture and animal husbandry based on the emergy theory and evaluated the state of system coupling in two typical counties located in the eco-tone between agriculture and pasture in North China. The results show that the effect of coupling between agriculture and animal husbandry is lower. The radical reason for lower ecosystem productivity and disharmonic development in this eco-tone is the improper configuration of inner animal husbandry. The results of case study in Ansai and Wuchuan counties show that the scales of animal husbandry have exceeded the threshold of the primary productivity, which leads to the fact that the harmonic coupling mechanism between agriculture and animal husbandry systems has not been established. According to the indices of emergy evaluation, related measures and policies were presented for raising the effect of the system coupling, the main suggestions presented as follows: making ful use of natural resources, raising the use of fossil-energy, increasing the input of technology, information and financing, adjusting the industrial structures for increasing the effects of systems coulping.


