罗长寿, 左强, 李保国, 王东. 冬小麦生长条件下改进遗传算法在根系水盐运移模型中的应用研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(11): 38-42.
    引用本文: 罗长寿, 左强, 李保国, 王东. 冬小麦生长条件下改进遗传算法在根系水盐运移模型中的应用研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(11): 38-42.
    Luo Changshou, Zuo Qiang, Li Baoguo, Wang Dong. Simulating soil water and solute transport in a soil-wheat system using a neural network model with an improved genetic algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(11): 38-42.
    Citation: Luo Changshou, Zuo Qiang, Li Baoguo, Wang Dong. Simulating soil water and solute transport in a soil-wheat system using a neural network model with an improved genetic algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(11): 38-42.


    Simulating soil water and solute transport in a soil-wheat system using a neural network model with an improved genetic algorithm

    • 摘要: 应用改进遗传算法,优化人工神经网络模型的权值,对盐分存在下的冬小麦根系分布进行定量预报,将获得的根系分布参数与根系吸水模型以及水盐运移模型相结合,进行了水分、盐分分布的数值模拟。结果表明,应用改进遗传算法可以为根系吸水模型提供所需的根系参数,并且可以较好地对土壤中水分、盐分的运移分布情况进行模拟;该方法建模简单、实用,模型对于土壤次生盐渍化的防治与微咸水的灌溉利用等具有参考价值。


      Abstract: An improved genetic algorithm was applied and examined to optimize the weights of a neural network model for estimating root length density (RLD) distributions of winter wheat under salinity stress. Thereafter, soil water and solute transport with root-water-uptake in a soil-wheat system was simulated numerically, in which the estimated RLD distributions were incorporated. The results showed that the estimated RLD distributions of winter wheat using the neural network model combined with the improved genetic algorithm, as well as the simulated soil water content and salinity distributions, were comparably in agreement with the experimental data. The method can be used in modeling flow and transport under salinity or saline water irrigated areas.


