
    Status quo and prospects of biomass energy

    • 摘要: 生物质能是当前能源和生态环境领域研究的热点。该文鉴于目前能源、生态环境状况以及生物质能的利用现状、所处的战略地位,对当前生物质能研究的四个热点:生物质能开发利用潜力、生物质能利用对生态环境影响、生物质能开发利用技术研究、生物质能开发利用可行性分析及其发展前景进行了阐述,同时就发展生物质能需要解决的问题作了简要的分析,进而对生物质能开发利用研究有个全面的科学的认识。在能源需求、生态环境保护和发展经济的拉动下,生物质能在未来将具有广阔的发展前景。


      Abstract: Biomass energy is a hot topic in the energy sources and eco-environment fields. This paper summarizes its using status quo. Besides, four hot topics of biomass energy were expatiated, which were the exploiting potential, the effect on eco-environment, the conversion technologies and the feasibility analysis of utilization and its developmental prospects. The barriers of exploiting biomass energy which need to be solved were analyzed briefly in the end. This review can be helpful to form a scientific knowledge of biomass energy research. Biomass energy will have a bright future in the drag of the demand of energy resources, the protection of eco-environment and the development of economy.


