
    Scouring experiment of on-sites on undisturbed lands of Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield

    • 摘要: 神府东胜煤田是我国重要的能源重化工基地,在开发建设过程中造成了严重的人为水土流失,为了分析计算神府煤田弃土弃渣、扰动地面及非硬化路面的新增水土流失量,以本区未经人为扰动的、撂荒的原生地面为自然侵蚀本底值的作用对象,采用野外放水冲刷实验的研究方法,对原生地面的侵蚀产沙规律进行了研究。结果表明:径流量、产沙量与放水流量,径流量、产沙量与坡度的关系均呈线性相关,即随着坡度与放水流量的增大,径流量和产沙量也在线性增加。径流量与产沙量之间呈幂函数关系变化,关系式为Ms=0.049W0.93


      Abstract: Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield is an important energy and industrial site in China. However, severe soil and water erosion occurred on the mining wastes in the areas. The objective of this study was to measure and analyze runoff and sediment loads from the undisturbed lands in order to estimate increased sediment loads on the mine wastes as well as on disturbed land and road. Field scouring experiments on the undisturbed lands in the coalfield during exploitation were conducted by using the method of simulated overland flow. Results showed that runoff and sediment yield increased linearly with the increase of overland flow and slope. Moreover, the relationship between runoff and sediment yield on the undisturbed lands can be described with the power function, Ms=0.049W0.93.


