马娟娟, 孙西欢, 李占斌. 蓄水坑灌条件下变水头作用的垂直一维土壤入渗参数试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 88-91.
    引用本文: 马娟娟, 孙西欢, 李占斌. 蓄水坑灌条件下变水头作用的垂直一维土壤入渗参数试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 88-91.
    Ma Juanjuan, Sun Xihuan, Li Zhanbin. Experiment on vertical one-dimensional infiltration parameters under different head conditions[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 88-91.
    Citation: Ma Juanjuan, Sun Xihuan, Li Zhanbin. Experiment on vertical one-dimensional infiltration parameters under different head conditions[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 88-91.


    Experiment on vertical one-dimensional infiltration parameters under different head conditions

    • 摘要: 蓄水坑灌法是针对中国北方山丘区存在着干旱和水土流失这两个突出问题而提出的一种适用于果林灌溉的新方法。蓄水坑灌条件下的土壤入渗是在变水头作用下进行的。该文通过室内试验,对垂直土柱在不同水头作用下的土壤入渗参数进行研究,结果表明入渗水头对入渗系数有较为显著的影响,入渗系数随入渗水头的变化呈现出相对平稳与显著性变化的交替变化趋势;入渗水头对入渗指数也有一定的影响,但其变化范围较小。这一研究成果对蓄水坑灌条件下的变水头入渗及土壤水分运动特性的进一步研究具有重要价值。


      Abstract: According to two major problems including aridity and water and soil erosion, water storage pit irrigation method suitable for orchard irrigation was put forward. Water infiltration of water storage pit irrigation is under varying-head conditions. Through indoor experiment, vertical infiltration parameters in different heads were studied. The results show that infiltration head has significant effects on infiltration coefficient, and the infiltration coefficients vary alternately between relatively-stable and obvious variation as infiltration head increases; and infiltration head has less effects on infiltration index. The research results have an important value for further study of varying-head infiltration and soil moisture characteristic of water storage pit irrigation.


