
    Current situation analysis of mine occupied land in China

    • 摘要: 当前中国矿业用地存在土地使用权取得方式单一、使用粗放,开采占地方式多、占用数量大,各类占用破坏严重,重开发生产、不注重保护治理,矿山开采企业经营困难、难以落实复垦政策等五大特征。文中提出了解决矿山用地问题的途径,提出拓宽供地方式、建立专门复垦管理机构、专门基金、多方承担复垦工程任务和加强执法力度等。


      Abstract: Land resource is seriously occupied in China. The paper points out occupied land in mine district exists, the way to obtain land use right is single, land use is extensive. And the quantity is large. And once being damaged, reclamation is difficult. And thinking too much of production, ignoring protecting and fathering were ignored. And mine enterprise with difficulty cannot carry out reclamation policy. The paper suggests that establishing special administration department, establishing special fund, charging reclamation project by more units, regulating the law and executing the law seriously are all necessary.


