邱炳文, 池天河, 王钦敏, 汪小钦, 兰樟仁, 吴靖. 基于GIS的土壤适宜性评价方法研究与系统实现[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 167-170.
    引用本文: 邱炳文, 池天河, 王钦敏, 汪小钦, 兰樟仁, 吴靖. 基于GIS的土壤适宜性评价方法研究与系统实现[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 167-170.
    Qiu Bingwen, Chi Tianhe, Wang Qinmin, Wang Xiaoqin, Lan Zhangren, Wu Jing. Agricultural land suitability assessment system based on GIS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 167-170.
    Citation: Qiu Bingwen, Chi Tianhe, Wang Qinmin, Wang Xiaoqin, Lan Zhangren, Wu Jing. Agricultural land suitability assessment system based on GIS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 167-170.


    Agricultural land suitability assessment system based on GIS

    • 摘要: 以漳州市为研究区域,采用矢量数据结构模型,以评价因子图层叠加后生成的图斑作为评价单元,在组件式GIS开发工具Super Map软件支持下,建立一种可以由用户任意选择进行适宜性评价的农作物对象,确定适宜性评价指标和评价标准的适宜性评价咨询系统。系统支持用户事先将不作评价的地物类型剔除,同时可以通过将用户在使用系统过程中建立的各种农作物生态指标库保存起来,从而使系统在用户的不断参与下更加方便实用。同时系统能够对收集的各类数据进行动态管理,具有相关的统计、分析和管理功能,可方便及时地为地区引进农作物新品种,并为农业生产结构调整提供依据。结合土壤适宜性评价系统的开发实践,对土壤适宜性评价的实现过程与方法进行了探讨。


      Abstract: Based on the SuperMap GIS, an agricultural land suitability assessment system(ALSAS) for Zhangzhou Area in Fujian Province was developed using the vector data model and the intersecting result of evaluation factors as the evaluating unit. The selection of evaluation crop and evaluation factors, determination of target gradation and weights can all be done by the user. The user can exclude the land area that do not include in the evaluating area. The system makes itself more convenient by storing the crop ecological index database in practice. It can deal with all kinds of data timely, and has other functions related to crop assessment such as analysis and statistics. It can serve as a guideline for introducing new kind of crop and agriculture structure adjustment. From the practice of developing the ALSAS,its implementation process and methods based on GIS were discussed.


