邵宏波, 梁宗锁, 邵明安. 转基因生物体对生态环境的影响及其发展趋向[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 195-200.
    引用本文: 邵宏波, 梁宗锁, 邵明安. 转基因生物体对生态环境的影响及其发展趋向[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 195-200.
    Shao Hongbo, Liang Zongsuo, Shao Ming′an. Impacts of transgenetic living organisms upon ecological environment and their developing tendency[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 195-200.
    Citation: Shao Hongbo, Liang Zongsuo, Shao Ming′an. Impacts of transgenetic living organisms upon ecological environment and their developing tendency[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 195-200.


    Impacts of transgenetic living organisms upon ecological environment and their developing tendency

    • 摘要: 转基因生物体包括转基因植物、动物和微生物。目前转基因生物体的研究主要集中于转基因植物与动物的研究。文中主要论述转基因植物对生态环境的影响及其发展趋势。对转基因植物对生态环境产生的影响和可能产生的后果进行了系统的分析,并且重点评述转基因植物对土壤生态系统及土壤微生态系统的影响及进展;对其影响的评价体系和今后的发展方向等有争议的问题进行了阐述并提出了新的思路。


      Abstract: Transgenetic living organisms include transgenetic plants, transgenetic animals and transgenetic microorganisms. Currently transgenetic living organism research is focused on transgenetic plants and transgenetic animals, which are mainly concerned with model animals and fish and mammals with high economic value. The paper gave a standard definition for transgenetic living organisms and made a systematic analysis of the effects(including potenial influences)of transgenetic plants on ecoenvironment,with an emphasis upon reviewing the impact of transgenetic plants on soil ecosystems and soil microecosystems.The debating evaluation system for transgenetic plant ecological risks was also discussed from different angles.The authors were certain that the influence of transgenetic living organisms(TLO) on ecoenvironment is an important question in theory and application ,and should be paid great attention to. With rapid progresses of molecular biology and biotechnology, this study becomes more and more important. On the basis of that, a new discipline of molecular ecology called transgenetic plant(crop) ecology will be emerged. Combining with the existing problems(Population-Resource-Environment-Development) of the world, the authors put forward the following suggestions and new thinking: 1.This field investigation should be combined with ecological health evaluation; 2.Multi-discipline and coordinated efforts(Ecology, Molecular biology, Botany, Plant physiology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Anatomy, Pedology) are the key factors stimulating breakthrough in this field; 3.In evaluating the ecological risk work of transgenetic plants, many anti-stress genes should be strengthened. The present researches are concentrated on the evaluation of individual resistant-disease and insect and Bt.transgenetic crops; 4.In a word, the authors suggested that problems exisit forever, and human beings make themselves perfect from the solutions to these problems. Synchronism development and control is a best strategy for developing this discipline and improving the ecoenvironment. The exploring work of improving the environment of Loess Plateau by way of transgenetic technology should be supported greatly and long-term positioned mornitoring of the impacts of transgenetic living organisms upon the environment is also urgent and remains to be extended. With great pace of molecular biology and transgenetic technology, this field, which has become one of the frontiers of Molecular Ecology, will see great change, on the condition of combining with Proteomics and Genomics achievements during the 21st century.


