杜晓明, 徐刚, 许端平, 赵同科, 李发生. 中国北方典型地区农用地膜污染现状调查及其防治对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 225-227.
    引用本文: 杜晓明, 徐刚, 许端平, 赵同科, 李发生. 中国北方典型地区农用地膜污染现状调查及其防治对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(13): 225-227.
    Du Xiaoming, Xu Gang, Xu Duanping, Zhao Tongke, Li Fasheng. Mulch film residue contamination in typical areas of North China and countermeasures[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 225-227.
    Citation: Du Xiaoming, Xu Gang, Xu Duanping, Zhao Tongke, Li Fasheng. Mulch film residue contamination in typical areas of North China and countermeasures[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(13): 225-227.


    Mulch film residue contamination in typical areas of North China and countermeasures

    • 摘要: 通过对我国北方典型地区的调查,初步探索了该地区土壤农膜残留量和残膜特征。研究表明,河北省典型地区温室大棚、蔬菜田和作物田的农膜土壤残留量平均分别为5.629、7.369和2.822 kg·hm-2,黑龙江省典型地区温室大棚、蔬菜田和作物田残留量平均分别为4.169、3.682和2.430 kg·hm-2,各采样点之间存在着较大差异,但普遍较高,均明显高于未使用农膜的对照土壤。两地区之间除作物田的土壤农膜残留量没有明显差异外,河北地区其他两类土壤中的农膜残留量水平明显高于黑龙江地区,这种差异与各地区在农事活动及农膜使用上的差异具有一定的相关性。上述两地区土壤中残留农膜尺寸基本一致,主要集中在10~15 cm之间。该文针对我国目前农膜使用情况及其污染现状,提出了相应的防治对策。


      Abstract: Characteristics of the mulch film contamination in typical areas of North China was primarily investigated. The investigation results showed that the amount of mulch film residues were respectively 5.629, 7.369 and 2.822 kg·hm-2 in the soil of the plastic film greenhouse, vegetable field and crop field for the sampled areas of Hebei Province, and the level of mulch residues were respectively 4.169, 3.682 and 2.430 kg·hm-2 in the soil of plastic film greenhouse, vegetable field and crop field for the sampled areas of Heilongjiang Province. There were significant differences in the average amount of mulch residues among the different sample sites, but all the average residue levels in the soil sample site using plastic film were obviously higher than those in the soil sample site where plastic film was not applied. Besides the crop field, the mulch film residues were greater in the soil samples of the other two fields of Hebei Province than in the soil samples of the other two fields of Heilongjiang Province. The sizes of film residues were mostly within about 10~15 cm for the two areas. Based on the status of mulch film contamination, the countermeasures were suggested.


