
    Research progress, current exploitations and developing trends of solid cultivation medium

    • 摘要: 随着无土栽培和穴盘育苗技术的广泛应用,固体基质的需求量日益增大,基质市场迅速壮大,栽培基质的开发和应用已成为重要的研究领域。该文在分析栽培基质应用和市场前景的基础上,综述了国内外栽培基质材料开发、基质合成、性状研究与改良的现状,及已取得的主要成果和存在的问题,指出了栽培基质今后的发展趋势。


      Abstract: With the widespread application of soilless culture and spot sowing nursery, the demanded quantity of solid cultivation medium increased greatly, which resulted in the rapid expansion of medium marketing. Corresponding to this situation, the exploitations and applications of solid cultivation medium were turned into an important research field. Based on analyzing the application and marketing prospect of soil cultivation medium, the exploitations, syntheses and characteristics of solid cultivation medium were reviewed in this article, and the achievements, existing problems and trends of developments on solid cultivation medium were also outlined.


