
    Prediction of suitable establishment areas of dangerous horticultural crop nematode, Radopholus similis in China using GIS

    • 摘要: 本文运用Arcview GIS的空间数据内插分析对我国739个点1981年至2001年年平均温度进行分析和插值替换后,预测相似穿孔线虫在中国的分布与入侵风险,然后运用Arcview GIS的叠加功能初步分析了寄主对相似穿孔线虫分布的影响。预测结果显示相似穿孔线虫在中国的可能适生区主要分布在长江以南大部分地区及湖北、河南、陕西、江苏、上海、重庆等省(市、自治区)部分地区,其中海南、广东、云南等省部分地区可能为爆发流行区。


      Abstract: This paper takes average annual temperature as an important index to predict the suitable establishment areas of Radopholus similis and its invasive risk to China using Arcview GIS's function of spatial interpolating analysis, and takes host influence on the distribution of Radopholus similis into account using Arcview GIS's superposition function. The results show that potential suitable establishment areas includes most areas of south of Changjiang River and some areas of Hubei, Henan, Shanxi, Jiangshu, Shanghai and Chongqing, among which Hainan and some areas of Guangdong, Yunnan maybe the outbreak areas.


