
    Effect of insufflating air in the nutrient solution on the growth of Philodendron Pluto, Aloe barbadensis, Echinocactus link et otto and D.marginata

    • 摘要: 采用通气泵对营养液通气以提高营养液中溶解氧量,研究通气对水培小天使、芦荟、金琥、山海带4种植物生长的影响。结果表明:通气会改变植物不同范围直径根在根系中所占的比例,进而增大根总长、根表面积,促进植物对养分和水分的吸收。


      Abstract: This study was conducted to ascertain the effect of insufflating air in the nutrient solution on the growth of Philodendron Pluto, Aloe barbadensis Miller, Echinocactus Link et Otto and Dracaena Cambodiana Pierr ex Gagnep in hydroponic cultivation. The results showed that insufflating air changed the proportion of different radius roots, and this change increased the total length and area of root. The plant could absorb more nutrient and more water, and grew well in hydroponics with insufflating air.


