
    Endurance of greenhouse cucumber to weak light and the interaction of sub-low temperature and weak light

    • 摘要: 采用弱光以及偏低温与弱光互作对4个生态型的16个黄瓜品种进行苗期处理,结果表明:弱光、偏低温弱光均未显著影响到黄瓜的光合系统Ⅱ,但对黄瓜叶绿素荧光参数M峰以及荧光猝灭系数(qN)有影响,各生态型的反应不一。弱光与偏低温组合时,弱光对黄瓜的影响处于主导地位。弱光(60~80 μmolm-2·s-1)、偏低温(20℃/12℃)弱光胁迫下不同黄瓜的叶面积增长量与其已知的低温弱光耐性一致。与各项生理指标相比,叶面积更适宜作低温弱光耐受性的评价指标,以子叶展开时进行弱光处理为最佳。


      Abstract: The effect of weak light, sub low temperature and their co-operation on the seeding of 16 cucumber strains had been studied. The results were as followes: the low light, sub-low temperature and weak light had no obvious effect on the PSⅡ, whereas there was distinctive difference on the chlorophyll fluorescence index M peak and qN among various ecotype. Weak light is the main factor that influenced the growth of cucumber when the co-operation of weak light and sub-low temperature occurred. Under weak light (60~80 μmolm-2·s-1), sub-low temperature and weak light co-operation(20℃/12℃), the growth of leaf area was all consistent with the endurance to weak light and low temperature among all the cucumber strains. So the best target to evaluate the endurance to weak light and low temperature is leaf area compared with other physical indexes, and the best treatment-star stage is that the cotyledon fully opened.


