Review on application of color model in monitoring nitrogen status of vegetables
摘要: 及时准确地监测或诊断蔬菜作物的氮素营养状况,对于提高蔬菜作物的氮素管理水平和利用效率、减少过度施肥带来的环境污染具有重要意义。该文对几种常用的颜色模型以及颜色模型在作物营养诊断,尤其是蔬菜作物氮素营养诊断中的应用现状、发展趋势及前景进行了综合评述。Abstract: On-site and precise detection of vegetable nutrient content is very necessary for improving nutrient management of vegetable crops and the use efficiency of nutrients, and reducing environmental pollution caused by over fertilization. This paper reviewed on post research work on monitoring nitrogen status based on color models. The existing difficulties, and developing trends and the prospect of color model in monitoring nitrogen status of vegetables were also discussed.