
    Floating phytoremediation system by planting Canna generalis for dual purposes of purification of piggery wastewater and nursery

    • 摘要: 利用泡沫塑料作为漂浮栽培系统在猪场氧化塘废水中种植美人蕉,通过根系的吸收和吸附等作用,去除废水中的N、P元素,降低废水中的CODCr浓度,并通过美人蕉在猪场废水中快速生长的特性,来探讨美人蕉对废水的净化效果和修复系统作为快速育苗的苗圃的可行性。结果表明,美人蕉在猪场废水中生长良好,生物量大,根系发达,经美人蕉漂浮栽培之后废水中的N、P元素去除效果显著,废水中总氮、总磷和CODCr的去除率均在90%左右,每株美人蕉在废水中生长35 d的平均分蘖数为2.5个,每年的分蘖数可达20~25个,是作为苗圃快速育苗的良好方法。


      Abstract: A floating phytoremediation system made by polyfoam plate was used to plant Canna generalis in order to study the effects of the purification of N, P and CODCr of piggery wastewater and the possibility of the system used as a nursery for rapid asexual reproduction of the plant. The results showed that Canna generalis could grow well, and had high biomass and huge roots. The purification effects of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphate (P) and CODCr of piggery wastewater were significant, with the removal rate up to 90%. The tillering numbers per plant were 2.5 after 35 days of growth, the total tillering numbers per plant per year could be up to 20 to 25. That was a good method for the use of nursery.


