
    Research and application of precise fertilizer applicator

    • 摘要: 对国内外现有施肥技术现状进行了调研,结合中国的国情,研究开发出了实用可靠高精密度的施肥机系统。该系统主要由主控制器、高精度的EC、pH传感器,液压水表阀门、压力调节阀、压力计、过滤器、肥料泵等元件组成,在灌溉施肥过程中,肥料泵以微量的脉冲注肥,可以保证精确的肥料施用剂量。该施肥机采用模块化设计,具有结构简单可靠、适用范围广、控制精度高、界面友好等优点,实现了对作物的高产优质栽培所需要的合理营养供给。


      Abstract: The present situation and technical levels of fertilizer applicators at home and abroad were reviewed. On the basis of extensive study, the authors have developed the fertilizer applicator according to Chinese conditions. It is equipped with high-accuracy EC/pH sensors, hydrometer with electric pulse, service valve, pressure gauge, plastic filter and fertilizer pumps. The machine was designed in modulus, the pressure and amounts of fertilizer, and EC/pH value could be adjusted to meet different needs of users. It has characteristics of high-utilization ratio of fertilizer, high precision, convenient operation and perfect breakdown alerting system. It can be used in greenhouses, orchards or gardens. The fertilizer applicator has been realized as products and has been granted with Chinese patent. The fertilizer applicator plays important roles in production of protected agriculture.


