
    Developmental stage simulation model for long-term tomato growing in greenhouse

    • 摘要: 根据番茄生物学特性、发育阶段有效积温恒定的原理和多年的栽培经验,对温室长季节栽培番茄的发育阶段进行划分,其生长发育阶段包括播种期、幼苗期、开花座果期、果实膨大期、果实采收初期、果实采收盛期和果实采收末期。将不同播期各生育阶段的生长度日的平均值确定为建模过程中的参数Ai:自幼苗期至果实采收末期分别为710.5、110.5、152.3、302.9、245.6、2156.7、200.5度日。确定了发育阶段有效积温参数后,建立了温室番茄长季节栽培的发育动态模拟模型,系统的预测番茄发育阶段。模型检验结果表明,温室番茄发育动态模拟模型具有较高的精确性、机理性和实用性。


      Abstract: The developmental stages of greenhouse tomato were determined based on its biological characteristics, constancy of effective accumulated temperature and experiences of cultivation. They are sowing date, seedling stage, bloom and fruit setting stage, fruit developing stage, fruit gained first stage, fruit gained medium stage and fruit gained end stage, whose growing degree day values are 710.5, 110.5, 152.3, 302.9, 245.6, 2156.7, 200.5℃/d respectively. After these Ai parameters were determined, the development stage simulation model for long-term tomato growing in greenhouse was developed, which can systematically be used to estimate various developmental stages of long-term greenhouse tomato. The model was tested by using experiment data. The result showed that the simulated results agreed with the observed results well.


