任辉, 杨印生, 曹利江. 食品生命周期评价方法及其应用研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(1): 19-22.
    引用本文: 任辉, 杨印生, 曹利江. 食品生命周期评价方法及其应用研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(1): 19-22.
    Ren Hui, Yang Yinsheng, Cao Lijiang. Food life cycle assessment method and its application[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(1): 19-22.
    Citation: Ren Hui, Yang Yinsheng, Cao Lijiang. Food life cycle assessment method and its application[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(1): 19-22.


    Food life cycle assessment method and its application

    • 摘要: 针对食品生命周期内产生的资源、能源消耗以及对环境的影响,将生命周期评价引入食品加工领域,从目标与范围定义、清单分析、影响评价和改善评价4个步骤初步构建了食品LCA方法体系。分析了中国开展食品LCA存在的问题以及相应的解决途径。以啤酒酿造过程为案例进行了评价研究。评价结果显示,该过程中各主要环境影响因子影响潜值依次为:富营养化(0.061),工业烟尘和粉尘(0.015),固体废弃物(0.003),据此可分别建立有效的废水处理设施,改进物料粉碎方式,回收利用废硅藻土来相应减少环境影响。研究表明,开展食品LCA可以为提高食品环境性能提供有效的数据支持,对中国食品工业实现可持续发展具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Resources, energy consumptions and the environmental performance throughout the entire food life cycle were discussed. Life cycle assessment was introduced to food processing field, and food LCA system was established with four parts: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and improvement assessment. The problems of developing food LCA in China were analyzed. A case of beer brewing process was studied, the results show that the main potential environmental factor influence orders are eutrophication, dust and solid wastes, and the corresponding evaluation values are 0.061, 0.015, 0.003, respectively. Based on it, the environmental impacts can be reduced by conducting effective wastewater treatment, improving material comminution technique and reutilizing the waste diatomite, respectively. The study shows that developing food LCA can provide basic data support for improving the environmental performance of food products, and can be of benefit to food industry sustainable development in China.


