尹奇, 吴次芳, 罗罡辉. 土地利用的弹性规划研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(1): 65-68.
    引用本文: 尹奇, 吴次芳, 罗罡辉. 土地利用的弹性规划研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(1): 65-68.
    Yin Qi, Wu Cifang, Luo Ganghui. Flexible planning of land use[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(1): 65-68.
    Citation: Yin Qi, Wu Cifang, Luo Ganghui. Flexible planning of land use[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(1): 65-68.


    Flexible planning of land use

    • 摘要: 市场经济越发达,经济生活中的不确定因素就越多。经济的不可预见性和难以预测性导致土地利用的变异性增加,从而对土地利用规划的弹性提出了要求。该文首次明确地界定了土地利用弹性规划的涵义;探讨了土地利用弹性规划的内容和研究方法。通过弹性比计算和弹性区间确定、评价目标和评价体系设计、以及柔性决策模型等方法对土地利用规划中的弹性预测、弹性评价、弹性决策以及弹性用地分区进行了探讨,结果表明:土地利用的弹性规划能较好地适应经济生活中不确定因素导致的用地数量、用地结构、用地方式等方面的变化。


      Abstract: The more the market economy developed, the more uncertain factors there are in the economy. For this reason, it becomes increasingly difficult to predict and forecast the economy, which triggers the variability of land use. In order to adapt to the changes of land use, the land use planning must be flexible. For the first time, this paper specifically defined the flexible planning of land use, and studied the flexible forecasting, flexible assessment, flexible decision-making and flexible zoning in land use planning through the calculation of flexibility rate and the ascertainment of flexible span; the design of appraisal aim and appraisal system; and the model of flexible decision, etc. The result is that flexible planning of land use can adapt to the changes in the quantity, structure and pattern of land use which are triggered by the uncertain factors in the economy.


