董红敏, 朱志平, 陶秀萍, 尚斌, 康国虎, 朱海生, 石谊. 育肥猪舍甲烷排放浓度和排放通量的测试与分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(1): 123-128.
    引用本文: 董红敏, 朱志平, 陶秀萍, 尚斌, 康国虎, 朱海生, 石谊. 育肥猪舍甲烷排放浓度和排放通量的测试与分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(1): 123-128.
    Dong Hongmin, Zhu Zhiping, Tao Xiuping, Shang Bin, Kang Guohu, Zhu Haisheng, Shi Yi. Measurement and analysis of methane concentration and flux emitted from finishing pig house[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(1): 123-128.
    Citation: Dong Hongmin, Zhu Zhiping, Tao Xiuping, Shang Bin, Kang Guohu, Zhu Haisheng, Shi Yi. Measurement and analysis of methane concentration and flux emitted from finishing pig house[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(1): 123-128.


    Measurement and analysis of methane concentration and flux emitted from finishing pig house

    • 摘要: 畜禽养殖是重要的温室气体排放源,畜禽养殖的甲烷排放量受动物生长特性、粪便收集方式和气候条件的影响。为了探讨中国特有的饲养管理方式下育肥猪舍温室气体排放规律,为减少甲烷排放提供依据,该研究在北京选择一典型猪场,对不同季节育肥舍的甲烷排放浓度进行了试验测定,从2004年5月至2005年3月,每2个月一次连续采集72~80 h甲烷浓度和相关数据,并根据二氧化碳平衡原理,对猪场的甲烷排放量进行了估算。结果表明:育肥猪舍内甲烷浓度有明显的季节性和日变化特性,2005年1月舍内甲烷的平均浓度为(22.98±10.52)mg/m3,7月舍内甲烷浓度为(2.68±0.68)mg/m3;每日最低甲烷浓度出现在9:00 am~17:00 pm时段;冬季舍内二氧化碳浓度明显偏高,夜间比允许浓度高1倍;每头育肥猪饲养期间的甲烷排放量为68.10~207.01 mg/h,折合每标准动物单位排放量:436~1185 mg/h·(500 kg),在IPCC推荐的发展中国家猪呼吸代谢甲烷排放1.0 kg/(a·头)范围内。


      Abstract: Methane(CH4) emissions from animal breeding has become a concern. The concentration and emissions per animal species are affected by animal characteristics, housing type and manure collection management as well as the climate. To investigate CH4 emissions from finishing pigs appropriate for China management method and climate situation, the CH4 concentration and related information were measured in Beijing during 2004~2005, six data collection periods, 72~80 hours each were scheduled through one year and four measurement seasons. The emission per pig was estimated based on ventilation rates which was calculated by application of carbon dioxide mass balance method. The CH4 concentration and emissions varied diurnally and seasonally. Mean CH4 concentration values were (22.68±10.52)mg/m3 in January, (2.68±0.68)mg/m3 in July. Mean methane concentration was lower between 9:00 am~17:00 pm, which was greatly related to temperature and ventilation rate. CH4 emission from pig house varied between 68.10~207.01 mg/h per animal or 436~1185 mg/h (500 kg) live weight.


