
    Influence of apple bagging on heavy metal and pesticide residue in apple fruit

    • 摘要: 该文测定了洛川、白水实验园中套双层纸袋、单层纸袋及不套袋苹果果皮、果肉的重金属(Pb、Cd、Cr)含量和农药残留。试验结果发现:不套袋苹果果实的重金属含量明显高于套袋苹果,套单层纸袋苹果果实的重金属含量高于套双层纸袋苹果的重金属含量,重金属主要集中在果皮中;不套袋苹果果皮中三氟氯氰菊酯的检出量为0.03 mg/kg,是套单层纸袋苹果果皮检出量0.01 mg/kg的3倍,套双层果袋苹果果皮及所有苹果果肉中三氟氯氰菊酯未检出。由此可见,套袋是苹果安全生产的有效措施。


      Abstract: The paper discusses the experimental results conducted in Luochuan and Baishui orchards on content of certain heavy metals like Pb, Cd, Cr as well as pesticide residue on the bagged apples, double bagged apples and no-bagged apples ,respectively. There are two results. The contents of certain heavy metals and pesticide residue on non-bagged apples are greater than those of bagged ones, while those of single layer bagged ones are greater than those of double bagged ones. Heavy metals are primarily concentrated on the apple peel. The content of cyfluthria in no-bagged apples is 0.03 mg/kg, 3 times that of single layer bagged ones while none found in the double bagged ones. It is concludeed that apple bagging is an effective measure to ensure the apple sanitary safety.


