
    Crop water production function based on genetic programming

    • 摘要: 利用遗传程序自动搜索模型结构能力强的优点,建立了基于遗传程序设计的作物水分生产函数模型。该方法通过演化计算自动寻找最优的模型结构,比传统统计方法具有较大的灵活性和智能性,避免了预先建立具体数学表达式的不便。将基于遗传程序设计作物水分生产函数模型同BP神经网络模型、Jensen模型以及Blank模型进行比较,实例表明,遗传程序设计的作物水分生产函数模型适应性强,拟合精度高,为作物水分生产函数的计算提供了新的有效方法。


      Abstract: A model of genetic programming was established to describe crop water production function. The model that is more flexible and intelligent can find the optimal structure automatically by evolutionary algorithm and can avoid the inconvenience of establishing concrete formula. This paper compares genetic programming model with BP networks model, Jensen model and Blank model and the outcomes show that the genetic programming model has high accuracy and is more effective. The model provides a new approach to calculate water production function.


