
    Experiment on estimating soil moisture content of spring wheat field with infrared remote sensing

    • 摘要: 根据水分亏缺条件下作物蒸发蒸腾量计算公式及作物水分胁迫指标CWSI(Crop Water Stress Index)的定义,提出了基于遥感作物冠层温度和土壤水分修正系数的春小麦田土壤含水率估算公式,其中土壤水分修正系数采用了幂函数形式。用该公式对春小麦田土壤含水率在分蘖后-拔节抽穗期、抽穗开花-灌浆期和乳熟-黄熟期3个生育阶段进行了估算,并对估算值和实测值进行对比和误差分析,结果表明该模型估算春小麦根层土壤含水率误差保持在18%以内。


      Abstract: The present experiment was carried out to investigate the relationship between the crop water stress index(CWSI) and soil moisture content for irrigated spring wheat at Xiao Ba Kou irrigation station of Gansu province during 2001 March to July. The soil moisture estimation formula based on CWSI and soil water adjust coefficient which adopt power function model was gained according to crop ETa under water dificit condition and CWSI definition. The experiment results show that the model is liable to overestimate soil moisture during whole growth stage, and the estimating value is approach to real soil moisture and the error ratio is less than 18%.


