
    Changes of signal substances of tomato seedling quality decline under storage and transport conditions

    • 摘要: 采用测定信号物质含量方法进行番茄秧苗模拟运贮试验,结果表明:模拟运贮期间的“断光”“断水”使得番茄秧苗的信号物质含量发生明显而定向的变化,即使植物衰变的胞间信号脱落酸和内源乙烯含量在运贮过程中急剧上升;同时,参与植物合成代谢的胞内信号钙调素(CaM)及NAD激酶的活性同步下降,最终导致产生“胁变性生理衰变”,使得运贮以后秧苗的正常生长代谢受到抑制,运贮中信号系统的定向变化是发生 “胁变性生理衰变”进而导致其质量下降的内在因素,至此, 运贮期间番茄秧苗质量下降的信号系统已经基本明确。这方面研究为完善蔬菜生产产业化技术体系尤其是揭示工厂化番茄秧苗运贮中质量下降的机理提供了理论依据。


      Abstract: The experiment demonstrated that light and water stress evidently increased Ca2+-ATPase in the third leaf of tomato seedlings. Ca2+-ATPase, through conversion of extra- and intra-cellular signal substances, synchronized the adversity stress confronting tomato seedlings in transport and storage with the protective reaction of the seedlings themselves and united upstream and downstream events. Results indicated that the signal system of seedlings in transport and storage showed apparent and oriented changes under adversity. In this experiment, abundant ethylene release was detected in the treated group since the 3rd day of transport and storage, and the release rose abruptly on the 4th—6th day. This hormone, upon arrival at the receptor, through signal transduction, activated the second signal system, which, after undergoing multistage amplification, was strong enough to inhibit the synthesis of proenzyme, thus crippling the function of the regulatory enzyme system. In this experiment, the representative enzyme of the second signal Ca2+-ATPase and its related substance CaM were very active at early stage of transport and storage, but later their activity decreased. The disarray of the second signal led to the sending of wrong signals, thus causing damage to the cells. This was the internal factor of decay entailed by environmental stress.


