
    Characteristics of bio-oil from plasma heated fluidized bed pyrolysis of corn stalk

    • 摘要: 基于为生物油开发利用提供基础数据的目的,在等离子体流化床热解实验台上利用粉碎的玉米秸制取生物油,并对生物油的物理化学特性进行了分析研究。生物油的最高得油率为37%,显酸性,密度在1100~1200 kg/m3之间;动力粘度的总体趋势是随温度的升高而降低;灰分百分含量小于0.1%。同时使用色质联用仪(GC-MS)对生物油进行了组分分析,生物油的主要成分有乙酸、羟基丙酮、水、乙醛、呋喃等。高含水量和含氧量使得生物油热值低,容易发生反应,需要对生物油进行进一步的分析和改性才能用于高端技术。


      Abstract: In order to provide basic data for utilizing bio-oil, flash pyrolysis of pulverized corn stalk was conducted in a plasma heated fluidized bed reactor. The yield of bio-oil derived from corn stalk by pyrolysis is about 37%. The physical and chemical characteristics of the bio-oil were then determined. Bio-oil is acidic (pH ranges between 3.8~4.0) with density of 1100~1200 kg/m3. The kinetic viscosity of bio-oil decreases quickly with the increase of temperature up to 27.5℃, and then decreases slowly. The ash content of bio-oil is less than 0.1%. The chemical compositions of the bio-oil were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MC). The major chemical compositions detected were acetic acid, 2-propanone, 1-hydroxy, water, acetaldehyde, hydroxy, furfural, etc. Because of high content of oxygen and water, the heat value is relatively low and polymerization may react easily. The bio-oil derived from corn stalk must be analyzed further and upgraded before its application in advanced areas.


