
    Econometric analysis of the impacts of "Four-in-One" household biogas construction on farmers' planting behaviors

    • 摘要: 运用统计学方法分别从描述统计量和计量经济模型两个方面分析了生态家园建设对农户种植行为的影响。结果发现,在实施了生态家园建设之后,农户的种植品种明显增加,种植热情和种植技术迅速提高,农业种植生产方式由原来的半自给自足的粗放式经营方式向以市场为导向的、以高投入高产出为特征的集约化经营方式转变。生态家园建设具有明显的增收作用。同时,农户参与生态家园项目建设具有明显的技术进步效应。它打破了过去农业生产常规模报酬的特征,改变了依赖要素投入提高产量和种植收入的传统种植思维和实践方式,有利于农业生产向依赖技术进步发挥规模报酬效应实现增收目标的生产方式转变。


      Abstract: This paper explores statistical methods to analyze the impacts of household biogas promotion on farmers' planting behaviors in terms of descriptive statistics and econometric models. The results show that the household biogas promotion has strengthened the motivation of farmers to participate the planting endeavor, has impelled the improvement of planting technology and facilitated the transformation of production manners from semi-autarky to intensive production oriented by market demands, as well as has increased the incomes of rural households. Furthermore, the household biogas promotion has apparent technology improvement effects in terms that it has changed the characteristics of constant return of scale in agricultural production and has impelled the transformation of production practice from ways of increasing yields and income by means of factor inputs to by means of realizing increasing the return of scale depending on the technology enhancement.


