
    Effects of natural preservative and modified atmosphere packaging on shelf-life of sliced beef ham

    • 摘要: 该文以真空包装组为对照,在9℃、光照贮藏条件下,采用天然保鲜剂和气调包装对牛肉火腿切片进行了保鲜试验。结果表明:真空包装组(对照组)中的乳酸菌数量上升很快,28 d时就已大大超过6.70 log(cfu·g)-1。随着乳酸菌的生长繁殖,各处理组产品的pH值不断下降。气调包装(60%CO2+40%N2)未显示出明显的抑菌作用,气调包装产品的a*值(红度)随着贮藏时间的延长显著下降(p<0.05),褪色明显。天然保鲜剂(150 mg/kg Nisin+0.3%茶多酚)对乳酸菌有很好的抑制作用,采用切片后浸渍方式比腌制前添加方式的效果更好,能够延长牛肉火腿切片的货架期,保鲜剂对产品a*值影响不明显(p>0.05)。天然保鲜剂、气调包装对硫代巴比妥酸反应物(Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS)变化的影响都不大(p>0.05)。


      Abstract: The influences of natural preservative and modified atmosphere package on the shelf-life of sliced beef ham stored at 9℃ under fluorescence lighting conditions were studied with vacuum-packaged products as controls. The results show that the number of Lactobacilli in the vacuum-packaged products grow rapidly and exceeded 6.70 log(cfu·g)-1 at 28 d with continuous decline of pH values. The growth of lactic acid bacteria is not retarded in the modified atmosphere package(MAP)(60%CO2+40%N2). The a* values(redness) of MAP products decrease significantly(p<0.05). The natural preservative(150 mg/kg Nisin + 0.3% tea polyphenols) has significant bacteriostatic activities against Lactobacilli, and the effects of bacteriostatic are better by dipping after slicing(DAS) than that by incorporation before curing(IBC). During storage, the a* values of products are not affected by natural preservative(p<0.05). The MAP or natural preservative has little effects on TBARS changes.


