
    Separation and purification of flavonoids from shaddock skin with macroporous resin

    • 摘要: 该文以总黄酮含量和总黄酮回收率为考察指标,研究了大孔树脂分离纯化柚皮黄酮的工艺。结果表明:AB-8型树脂对柚皮总黄酮有较好的吸附分离性能,是分离纯化柚皮黄酮的适宜大孔树脂;AB-8型大孔树脂分离纯化柚皮黄酮的最佳工艺条件为:柱体积为160 mL,柚皮提取物上样量为62.5 mg/mL(以湿树脂体积计),先用pH 4的水淋洗,再用30%的乙醇洗脱,洗脱剂用量为2.5~3倍湿树脂体积。AB-8大孔树脂按上述确定的吸附洗脱条件可重复使用3次。柚皮黄酮经上述工艺纯化后总黄酮含量达到39.67%,总黄酮回收率为62.48%。对经AB-8大孔树脂纯化后的柚皮黄酮进行高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析发现,柚皮黄酮主要为黄酮甙类。


      Abstract: A method for separation and purification of flavonoids from shaddock skin with macroporous resin was studied, with the content and recovery rate of flavonoids as indexes. The results are as flollows: among six types of macroporous adsorption resin choosed, AB-8 type macroporous resin is the best for separating and purificating shaddock skin flavonoids; the optimun conditions is: the volume of the post is 160 mL, the loaded amount of shaddock shin extract is 62.5 mg/mL, wash with water(pH 4.0) and then use 30% ethanol as eluant. The AB-8 type resin can be used 3 times repeatedly. The content of flavonoids in the 30% ethanol eluant is 39.67% with the recovery rate of 62.48% after purification with AB-8 type resin. High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) analysis result show that the obtained flavonoids is mainly flavone glycoside.


