
    Experimental study on influence factors of thermal conductivities of apple juice

    • 摘要: 由于目前对果汁热物性参数基础研究比较缺乏,本文采用微热探针法测试系统对3~50℃温度范围内不同浓度苹果汁的导热系数进行了系统测试。结果表明,苹果汁的温度和浓度对其导热系数具有显著影响。在相同温度条件下,苹果汁的导热系数与其浓度呈高度线性负相关;相同浓度的苹果汁导热系数与其温度呈高度线性正相关,并得出了苹果汁导热系数关于浓度和温度的二元数学模型,为果汁加工业的相关研究提供了科学依据。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problem of data shortage of thermal parameters of fruit juice, the tepid probe test system was used to determine the thermal conductivities of apple juice of different concentration at different temperature (between 3℃ and 50℃). The results show that temperature and concentration of apple juice have significant influence on the thermal conductivities. There is a high negative correlation between concentration and thermal conductivity at the same temperature while a high positive correlation between temperature and thermal conductivity of apple juice with same concentration. Then the experimental data were used to develop mathematical regression duality equations about thermal conductivity to temperature and concentration. Thus the model can provide relative scientific reference for fruit juice industry.


