
    Effects of electrolyzed functional water and electrostatic field treatment on postharvest physiology of strawberry fruit

    • 摘要: 以“星都2号”草莓果实为试材,研究电生功能水及静电场(-50 kV/m)处理对冷藏草莓(贮藏温度为0℃,相对湿度为85%~90%)果肉最大破断应力、呼吸强度、乙烯释放量及细胞膜透性变化的影响。试验结果表明:电生功能水处理明显抑制了草莓的乙烯释放,降低了草莓果实的呼吸强度,而静电场处理也一定程度地降低了果实的乙烯释放量,但对果实呼吸强度无明显的影响。二者均可保持贮藏期间草莓最大破断应力,延缓果肉细胞相对电导率的上升,从而有效地抑制采后草莓果实的衰老过程。相比较而言,电生功能水处理效果优于静电场。


      Abstract: Effect of electrolyzed functional water and electrostatic field on postharvest physiology of strawberry fruit(Fragariax ananassa Duch cv. Xindu 2), mature strawberry were treated immediately with electrolyzed functional water and electrostatic field(-50 kV/m) every day after harvest, and then stored at 0℃, 90% relative humidity for 18 days. The results show that respiration rate and ethylene production of strawberry fruits are inhibited significantly by electrolyzed functional water treatment. But there is only a slight decrease of ethylene production and no obvious effects on respiration rate by electrostatic field treatment. Moreover, electrolyzed functional water and electrostatic field treatment also delay the decline of firmness and increase of relative electric conductivity of strawberry fruit during storage. All results suggest that electrolyzed functional water and electrostatic field treatment are effective for prolonging the shelf-life of strawberry fruit during storage and the former is better.


