
    Research and manufacture of electric manually fed sweet corn cutter

    • 摘要: 该文介绍了一种采用在玉米籽粒根部切削方式将甜玉米果穗上的籽粒与玉米芯分离的机械设备的设计。该设备在籽粒切脱过程中刀片与玉米籽粒根部(玉米芯外缘)成弹性浮动接触,可随玉米果穗直径的不同而做自动调整,保证刀片刃部始终贴近玉米籽粒根部切削。特点是效率高、切粒质量好,适应甜玉米籽粒含水率在58%~75%范围内,既适合甜玉米籽粒切脱、也适合糯玉米籽粒切脱。满足了中国鲜食甜玉米深加工的需求。该设备采用刀片高速转动、玉米果穗直线运动旋划切削技术。经过对该设备设计、试制、试验结果表明,完全适合甜玉米切脱籽粒。


      Abstract: In this paper, a cutter that was used to cut corn away from the cob was introduced. During operation, the blades of the cutter always contact with the periphery of the corn cob elastically and the diameter of the cutting hole formed by six blades can be changed according to the diameter of the corn cob in the cutting hole, so that the cutting always takes place on the heads of the corns. When the ear passes through the cutting hole along a straight line, the blades revolve around the center of the cutting hole at a high speed to cut the corn. The characteristics of the cutter is of high efficiency ,good quality and suitable for processing sweet corn with the moisture content ranging from 58% to 75%. The cutter can be used to process not only sweet corn but also glutinous corn., so it can strengthen corn processing ability in China. The test results show that the cutter is a perfect machine for corn cutting.


