
    Preliminary study on minimum tillage with water saving technology and implement for paddy field

    • 摘要: 该文论述了一种全新的水田耕整地方式,即采用专用旋耕机并以特定模式进行带状旋耕整地以取代传统翻耕或旋耕整地的新型耕作方法。该耕整地方式的特点为:(1)大幅度降低动力消耗及费用。由于采用新的带状少耕润田插秧的整地方法,取消了传统水耙田、人工扬肥、耢平、沉浆和捞残茬五项作业环节,降低了动力消耗并节省了50%~60%的整地费用。(2)泡田用水相对传统整地方法可节约30%~40%,是一项水稻生产的高效节水新技术。(3)作业周期由原来的10~15 d减为1~2 d即可。(4)实现了少耕和根茬及部分秸秆还田的保护性耕作方式。(5)增产增收,平均增产幅度为8.4%~12%,该技术对水稻生产的发展具有推动作用,是一项创新技术。


      Abstract: In the paper, a brand-new method of tillage and soil preparation for paddy field was discussed, the method using a special rototiller to rotary hoeing field in strip, instead of the traditional moldboard plow or rotary tillage. The characteristics of this tillage method are as follows: first, it can reduce the power consumption and the operation cost significantly comparing to traditional tillage and soil preparation for paddy field. For the adoption of new strip minimum tillage, soil humifying and rice seedling transplanting, the four operations of harrowing, smashing, leveling and dragging paddy residue were canceled, and the power consumption was reduced, the cost for soil preparation was saved by 50% to 60%. Second, compared to traditional soil preparation, the wastage of water for dunking field was saved by 30% to 40%, thus, it is a new and high effective technology for saving water. Third, it can curtail the period of tillage and soil preparation for paddy field from the primary 10~15 days to 1~2 days. Fourth, it realized the conservation tillage by reduced tillage and putting rootstalk and part of straws back into field. Fifth, the temperature of the tillage layer heightened 0.5~0.8℃, and increased outputs by 8%~18%(based on the output reports of comparative fields). This technology is an innovation and has a great reference for the development of paddy production.


