
    Dynamics of microbial community and the effect of inoculum on the composting

    • 摘要: 堆肥化过程中不同微生物群落的动态变化及微生物群体特征的研究是非常重要的。在堆肥化过程中各种微生物在数量上遵循高-低-高的变化规律。各种微生物耐热性决定其数量;一般细菌数量最多,尤其在高温期占绝对优势;放线菌和真菌在高温前和高温过后才繁殖较多。各种菌对不同物质成分的分解作用还没有统一的定论。至于微生物制剂的接种效果一直争论不休,肯定的意见和否定的意见都有大量的证据和理由。但应该指出只有数量足够的有益微生物群体和适合它们的条件都具备时堆肥化才能快速进行,创建有益分解微生物群体和创造适合这些微生物群体的条件是不可分割的配套措施。


      Abstract: It is important to study the dynamics of microbial community and the characteristics of microorganisms during the composting. During this process, all kinds of microorganism quantity follow the high-low-high rule, and the quantity of microorganisms depends on the difference of thermotolerance. Generally speaking, the quantity of bacteria is most, especially during the thermophilic phase. The quantity of actinomycete and fungi increas faster before and after thermophilic phase. Opinion on the decomposing function of different microorganisms to different elements of substrate is no consistent. As for the effect of inoculation, favorable and opponent opinions are supported by a lot of evidences. It is fact that the process of composting can be improved only when enough useful microorganisms and optimal conditions for them to growth coexist, so it is necessary to establish useful microorganisms and to create the optimal conditions for microorganism growth.


