
    Influence of different treatments on the changes of flavone percentages in Ginkgo exocarps during postripeness

    • 摘要: 该文研究了不同采前激素处理、不同后熟温度条件以及不同的堆沤与水沤方法对银杏外种皮采后后熟过程黄酮含量变化的影响,并对黄酮含量与后熟过程呼吸强度、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性、果胶甲酯酶(PE)活性、细胞膜透性变化的相关性进行了探讨。结果表明:银杏外种皮黄酮含量后熟变化情况皆可分为初期相对稳定、中期迅速下降与后期相对稳定3个阶段,初期与后期黄酮含量分别为1.20%左右和0.70%左右;脱落酸为较好的采前激素处理,采后第8 d黄酮含量为1.19%;环境温度在5.0~50.0℃的范围内,温度越高,黄酮含量开始迅速下降的时间越早;石灰水水沤为较好的效果,第11 d黄酮含量为1.02%。生产中采用该法宜在采后11 d内进行提取。


      Abstract: The effects of pre-picking exogenous hormones treatments, ambient temperature treatments and postripening treatments on the changes of flavone percentages in Ginkgo exocarps during postripeness were studied. The relationship between the changes of flavone percentages and respiration intensity, cell permeability, pectin methy-lesterase(PE), polygala-cturonase(PG) activities were also discussed. The results show that the changes of flavone percentages during postripeness include three stages: the first stage has relative stable flavone percentage (about 1.20%), the second stage has sharp decrease of flavone, the third stage has relative stable flavone percentage (about 0.70%). Abscisic acid is relatively suitable exogenous hormones, and the content of flavone is 1.19% after eight days in the range of 5.0~50.0℃, the higher ambient temperature is, the earlier flavone percentage begins to decrease sharply; the treatment immersed in lime-water is relatively suitable postripening treatment, and the flavone content is 1.02% after 11 days. In practice, flavone must be extracted within eight days after picking.


