
    Review of refining processing and comprehensive utilization of carrot

    • 摘要: 面对中国胡萝卜生产中高产、低价、增产不增收的现实,分析了胡萝卜加工现状及存在问题,试验研究了生产胡萝卜全粉、彩色胡萝卜纸工艺及参数;提出胡萝卜精细加工及其综合应用技术:通过对胡萝卜精细加工,提取胡萝卜素,并将其加工成纳米粉体,利用胡萝卜渣加工食品内包装纸和快餐盒;胡萝卜叶经干燥粉碎后,可做家禽粗饲料;分析表明,胡萝卜精细加工不仅能提高胡萝卜加工与转化技术水平及其资源利用率,同时可增加胡萝卜生产的附加值,为胡萝卜的精深加工开辟新的研究方向。


      Abstract: Based on the reality of high productivity, low price and little income during carrot production in China, the paper analyzed the situation and problem of carrot processing, and studied the technologic parameters for producing carrot powder and color paper. The paper pointed out a new technology for carrot processing and synthetically utilizing method, in which the carrot was refined, and carotene was drawn and produced into nanometer powder, while carrot residue could be made into wrapping paper or snack box, which could be recycled effectively as poultry feed after using. Carrot tassels could be dried and crushed into raw feed of animals. Analysis demonstrated that the methods of carrot refinement and utilization improved the level of carrot processing and transferring and increased utilization ratio of resources, and the additional value of carrot production was also increased. The study provided new research fields for carrot synthetically processing and utilization.


